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Planning Board Meeting Minutes
September 23, 2008
1196 Main Street, Town Hall

Members Present:        C. Stanovich, R. Ricker, O. Lies, C. Prager, W. Ritter, Al Bonofiglio

Members Absent: D. Lindberg

Others Present: Pamela Harding, Senior Planner

7:30 PM the Planning Board meeting was called to order.

DEFINITIVE SUBDIVISION – WAGNER MEADOWS, Extension of Time:  C. Stanovich read the Public Hearing Notice into record.  W. Ritter recused himself from the meeting.

The applicant, Casa Builders, is applying for an extension of time for the definitive subdivision approval.  This will be the second extension.  The plans were originally approved on July 15, 2003, and extended on August 15, 2006.  The applicant is applying for a two year extension.  The subdivision has 18 lots built.  The Board members have the previous decision for review.

Public Comments:
Chris Campos, 5 Hayfield Ln:  Is happy with the progress being made.

C. Prager motioned to close the Public Hearing.  O. Lies seconded.  All in favor.

A. Bonofiglio motioned to approve the extension of time.  O. Lies seconded.  All in favor.

MASTER PLAN UPDATE:  Co-Chairs gave a presentation of the plan to the Board of Selectmen.  The Board enthusiastically supported the plan, and the formation of an implementation committee by the Town Manager.  There is $50,000 of funding available towards implementation tasks of the Master Plan.

APPROVAL NOT REQUIRED - 101 NELSON PLACE:  The applicant, Karen Gaskin, is creating a house lot in an R-2 Zoning District, which requires 100’ of frontage and 30,000 square feet of lot area.  Both lots meet the area and frontage requirements and the plan is entitled to endorsement.

W. Ritter motioned that the plan is entitled to endorsement.  C. Prager seconded.  All in favor.

WINDMILL BY-LAW:  Information is still being compiled regarding regulations of the installation of windmills.  Currently windmills are classified as an accessory structure and have a 30 – 35 foot height limit.  Windmills operate most efficiently with wind speeds greater than 13 mph.  The Board members have an average area wind speed map.  O. Lies stated that the map does not show a lot of area to generate power for wind farms, and is concerned with individual installations for residents.

Post Office:  The Board will look at the plans at the next meeting.
Open Space and Recreation Plan:  O. Lies requested the status of the Open Space and Recreation Plan be investigated.
43D Technical Assistance:  State assured regional planning agencies, the Town was awarded the technical assistance but CMRPC has not responded to previous inquiries.
Community Preservation Act:  O. Lies reported that the CPW is only 65% funded and zoning reform for the state is still being worked on, and is not dead.

NEXT MEETING:  October 14, 2008, at 7:30 PM at the Town Hall.

R. Ricker motioned to adjourn.  W. Ritter seconded.  All in favor.

Adjourned  8:30  PM.

September 23, 2008, minutes approved:   October 28, 2008        

Debra A. Sciascia, Recording Secretary